Our smart classes are supported by lots of visual aids and interactive medium to engage children and hold their interest in the subject. We incorporate interesting videos, presentations and innovative methods of teaching to create a rich new-age environment where learning is fun. We believe in blending traditional classroom teaching methods with technology enabled 'Smart learn classroom', an effort that helps students retain memory of the concepts taught in the class. It is used for different seminars, presentation and workshops to develop confidence and entrepreneur skills.

The performing arts range from vocal and instrumental music, dance and theatre. They include numerous cultural expressions that reflect human creativity and that are also found, to some extent, in many other intangible cultural heritage domains.

Within the context of formal education the subject supports personal, social, moral, spiritual, cultural and creative development and enables participants to engage with and explore visual, tactile and other sensory experiences and how to recognize and communicate ideas and meanings. Be it making miniature statues from clay or colouring with crayons, folding papers to make origami shapes or preparing a hand-made birthday card, there are numerous arts and craft activities that can spike your child’s interest and tap his potential. These opportunities enable them to work with traditional and newsmedia, so that they develop confidence, competence, imagination and creativity.

The true purpose of education is to produce citizens. We arrange various activities to inculcate feeling of oneness, sharing, compassion, harmony, equality, love and sensitivity.
House systemis of great importance in school life. Its function is to inculcate the spirit of healthy competition among students. The Inter- house activities give equal opportunity to every student to participate in sport, music and other activities giving opportunitiesfor leadership and teamwork .